Design date: 2014
Publisher: Latinotype
MyFonts debut: Dec 20, 2014

D Sert—based on the Pirata typeface—is inspired by 70s Chilean constructivist design and the political propaganda posters artwork of La Unidad Popular (Chilean political coalition). D Sert is the result of the combination of the Chilean graphic art revival with new trends, such as the handmade movement and super font families. The super family comprises 47 weights and comes with two versions: D Sert and D Sert Alt, plus extras. Diagonal strokes are significantly different between the two versions: diagonals of the Alt version are much more logical than the diagonals of the normal version. Another difference is the bowls of the capitals: in the D Sert version, they slightly project above the cap height, making it a more daring version and bringing it closer to calligraphy; contrarily, in the Alt version, bowls do not project above the cap height, which makes it a more tidy font. This way, the combination of the two versions and extras provides the user with the freedom to create any kind of artwork.