Sánchez Niu is a redesign of Sánchez—one of the first font families by Latinotype designed in 2011. In the typedesign industry the terms ‘nova’, ‘neue’, ‘next’, ‘new’ are often used to refer to a typeface that has been modified in different ways: redesign, technical readjustments, greater number of characters, etc. At Latinotype we are now starting to use the word ‘niu’ to refer to these kinds of typefaces. Niu is an adaptation of the original word ‘new’, i.e., we have adapted this English word to the phonology and spelling of our own language but keeping the original meaning. Race mixing, diversity, change and adaptation are part of the essence of Latin American culture and, at Latinotype, we are all constantly expressing these elements in everything we do. Latin Power! This new version includes improvements that make it work well with longer text. Such improvements have not had a major effect on the look of the font, though. We have adjusted the original proportions and added a number of new characters as well as OpenType features such as small caps, oldstyle figures, tabular numbers and stylistic alternates. Sánchez Niu contains a set of 720 characters that support 219 languages. The font is well-suited for long text, headlines and logotypes, and it has been optimised for web usage. Sánchez Niu comes with two free fonts—Regular and Regular Italic! Corrections, digital editing and review by César Araya, Rodrigo Fuenzalida and Alfonso García. COMES WITH 2 FREE FONTS!